Middle East and Islamic Studies Collections: an Exhibition of Treasures
Muhammad Ali Pasha
Abbas Hilmi II Papers
Abbas Hilmi II (1874-1944), the great-great-grandson of Muhammad ‘Ali, Khedive of Egypt, succeeded his father, Muhammad Tawfiq Pasha, as Khedive in 1892. The papers cover the period of Abbas Hilmi II's Khedivate 1892-1914 and extend after his deposition in December 1914 until his death in 1944 at Geneva.
Portrait of Muhammad Ali Pasha (1769-1849)
Muhammad Ali, Viceroy from 1805 to 1848, was founder of the dynasty which
ruled Egypt until 1952. He was responsible for improving Nile irrigation,
for introducing cash crops and for putting all agricultural land under
a state monopoly, and was the first non-Western ruler to try to industrialise
his country on a Western model.
HIL 334/30
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